Friday 9 July 2010

Definant shades of Alpha Mummy

Ultimatley sports days have, for me, always been a day to dread in the school calender year. This year I planned to make it totally different. Firstly I gave darling hubbie 3 weeks notice for him to take the day off work, as having him there for moral support is always a good thing. I went shopping for my outfit 2 weeks ago and had my hair cut in the morning. I was prepared..! Arrival was the normal affair of polite nods to some and general hellos to others. It started off very civillised activities for all the children to play with and enjoy, lunch and joys of bees, wasp and ants and chitchat for all the mums. Then after lunch the serious business of racing began. I can not believe how competitive I have become since having a child that is actually quiet sporty. OMG he is only 5 I am standing at the edge of the lanes screaming his name at the top of my voice, not giving a sh*t what other people are thinking or the fact I am quiet probably embarressing myself. I'd like to think my total support was what aided him to victory but I have a feeling its just his ability. I'm just shocked at what a pushy alpha mummy I have become, you would never know to talk to me,I really come across as normal. I'm dreading doing the school run on Monday I just know everyone is going to be looking at me with distain. But its worth it he's very proud of himself and so am I...

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